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Howard David Reines, MD

LICENSE # 0101043545

Issue Date: 3/1/1989
Expiration Date: 8/31/2026
Status: Current Active

General InformationEducationCertifications & Practice AreaInsuranceHonors & AwardsAcademic Appointments & PublicationsProceedings, Actions & ConvictionsPaid Claims
Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

Academic Appointments
Last Updated 7/22/2020
Medical University Of South Carolina College Of Medicine - Charleston SC
Rank: Associate Professor
Years: 1978-1988

Tufts University School Of Medicine - Boston MA
Rank: Full Professor
Years: 1992-2001

Georgetown University School Of Medicine - Washington DC
Rank: Clinical Professor of Surgery
Years: 2002-Present

Virginia Commonwealth University School Of Medicine (Previously MCV) - Richmond VA
Rank: Professor of Surgery
Years: 2003-Present

University Of Virginia School Of Medicine - Charlottesville VA
Rank: Full Professor
Years: 2020

Academic Appointments - Non-US
Last Updated 7/22/2020
InovaFairfax Hospital
Rank: Full Professor
Years: 2001-present
(up to ten in the last five years)
Last Updated 7/22/2020
116. Trickey AW, Wright J, Donovan, J, Reines HD, Dort JM, Prentice HA, Graling P, Moynihan J. Inter- rater reliability of hospital readmission evaluations for surgical patients.
American Journal of Medical Quality
Date: 07 2016

119. H David Reines, MD, Towards the Development of a National Strategic Plan for GME, Council on GME 23rd Report, April 2017
Date: 04 2017

117. H. David Reines, MD, A.W. Trickey, PhD, J. Donovan, RN, Morbidity and mortality conference is not sufficient for surgical quality control: Processes outcomes of a successful attending Physician Peer Review Committee. American Journal of Surgery, onli
117. H. David Reines, MD, A.W. Trickey, PhD, J. Donovan, RN, Morbidity and mortality conference is not sufficient for surgical quality control: Processes outcomes of a successful attending Physician Peer Review Committee. American Journal of Surgery, onli
November 2017, Volume 214, pages 780-785
Date: 11 2017

120. Mehaffey, J., Reines, HD gCommunity Level Socioeconomic Status Association with Surgical Outcomes and Resource Utilization in a Regional Cohort: A Prospective Registry Analysish.
BMJ Quality & Safety. September 2019
Date: 01 2019

111. Souheil W. Adra, Amber W. Trickey, Moira E. Crosby, Scott H. Kurtzman, Mark L. Friedell, H. David Reines: General surgery versus fellowship: the role of the Independent medical cent Journal of Surgical Education, Volume 69, Issue 6, November–December
Date: 01 2020