Virginia Board of Medicine Practitioner Information

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Last Name:
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Non-English Languages Spoken by Doctor or Office Staff
Virginia Hospital Affiliations

Doctors of Medicine and Surgery, Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery and Podiatry that hold ACTIVE LICENSES with the Virginia Board of Medicine are required to provide information for these profiles. Other physician licensees of the Board, including interns & residents, university limited, international fellows, and restricted volunteers are not included in these profiles. If you cannot find an individual in the profiles search, you may perform a broader search with the Department of Health Professions' License Lookup. Other individuals that may appear in the License Lookup search include those with expired, suspended or revoked licenses.

Search Tips
  1. The fewer parameters you specify, the larger the search results. Example: if you have trouble finding a particular practitioner in a certain City/County, try searching "All Locations" or "Virginia Locations".
  2. If you're not sure how to spell a name, use just the first few letters. Example: for "Smith" you can type in "Smi".
  3. If a name begins with "Mc", "O'", "Del", "Von" ( i.e. Mc Mann or O' Brien) or any prefix you may need to leave a space after the prefix. Example: if McM doesn't work try Mc M.
  4. Searches are NOT case sensitive.