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Practitioner Profile - Virginia Board of Medicine

Unless otherwised indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

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LICENSE # 0101253056

Issue Date: 11/30/2012
Expiration Date: 1/31/2026
Status: Current Active

Disclaimer: General
The following information contained in this database is provided from the records of the Board of Medicine.

The Department and the Board have taken measures to assure that the above information reflects information contained in records that it maintains consistent with its statutory responsibility to doctors of medicine, osteopathy, and podiatry.

The following information is required to be self-reported by licensees under penalty of law. This information is not verified by the Board. The Department and the Board have the authority to investigate reported inaccuracies in the displayed information and if warranted, seek correction and effect licensee compliance with the law and regulations governing the practitioner information system.

Required information provided by doctors:

Optional information doctors may choose to include:

The Board does not comprehensively verify the information required to be self-reported by doctors, and therefore does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of self-reported information. The Board conducts periodic random audits of profiles as an effort to improve the accuracy and timeliness of the information.

Please note that if a practitioner's license is not active, they are under no obligation to update their profile so the information contained in that profile may not be up-to-date.

Disclaimer: Malpractice Information

When considering malpractice paid claims data, please keep in mind:

Some studies have shown little correlation between the existence of a malpractice paid claims history and the practitioner's competence to provide care.

Malpractice paid claims histories tend to vary by specialty. Some specialties are more likely than others to be the subject of litigation.

Some doctors work primarily with high-risk patients. These doctors may have malpractice paid claims histories that are higher than average because they specialize in cases or patients who are at very high risk for problems.

Settlement of a claim may occur for a variety of reasons, which do not necessarily reflect negatively on the professional competence or conduct of the practitioner. A payment in settlement of a medical malpractice action or claim should not be construed as creating a presumption that medical malpractice has occurred.

The incident causing the malpractice paid claim may have happened years before a payment is finally made. Sometimes, it takes a long time for a malpractice lawsuit to move through the legal system.

Presentation of Required Data:

As of July 1, 2007, practitioners are required to report all paid claims over $10,000 in the last 10 years. For doctors practicing less than 10 years, the data covers their total years of practice.

To provide perspective regarding the reported data, the Board displays information about the paid claims experience of the practitioner's specialty along with the practitioner's history of paid claims. In reporting the data in this manner, each practitioner is seen relative to other practitioners in the specialty, rather than to all practitioners in all specialties.

Paid claims are not expressed in dollar amounts. Each paid claim has been analyzed and assigned to one of three statistical categories: below average, average, or above average. This analysis was made relative to the other claims in the specialty in which the claim occurred.

The information provided, in the manner provided, should offer perspective about this aspect of medical practice. You could miss an opportunity for high quality care by excluding a doctor based solely on the presence of a malpractice history. You may wish to discuss information provided in this report, and malpractice generally, with your doctor.

Primary Practice Address
Last Updated 1/21/2024
None Reported
Years in Active Clinical Practice
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Years in Active Clinical Practice Inside US/Canada: 30
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Does Not Participate in the Virginia Medicaid program
Is not accepting new Virginia Medicaid patients
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Is a Medicare participating provider
Is accepting new Medicare patients
Virginia Hospital Affiliations
Last Updated 1/21/2024
None Reported
Hospital Affiliations in States Other Than Virginia
Last Updated 1/21/2024

Medical, Osteopathic, or Podiatric School
Last Updated 1/21/2024
State: ROME
Country: ITALY
Year Completed: 1989
Medical, Osteopathic, or Podiatric Post Grad School
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Year Internship Completed: 1998

Board Certification
Recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists
and Boards of Certification, the American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry, or Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Year of Initial Certifications: 2000
Current Certification Expires: 2011

Year of Initial Certifications: 2000
Current Certification Expires: 2020

Year of Initial Certifications: 2000
Current Certification Expires: 2021

Self-Designated Practice Areas
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Insurance Plans/Managed Care Plans Accepted
Last Updated 1/21/2024
None Reported

Honors and Awards - Optional
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Practitioners had the option of completing this section. This practitioner has not provided any information regarding honors and awards.
Academic Appointments
Last Updated 1/21/2024
West Virginia University School Of Medicine - Morgantown WV
Rank: Assistant Professor
Years: 2016-2023

West Virginia University School Of Medicine - Morgantown WV
Rank: Assistant Professor
Years: since November 2016

Academic Appointments - Non-US
Last Updated 1/21/2024
None Reported
(up to ten in the last five years)
Last Updated 1/21/2024
None Reported
Felony Conviction Information
Last Updated 1/21/2024
None Reported
Actions Taken by States/Organizations Other than the Virginia Board of Medicine
Last Updated 1/21/2024
Practitioner has had a disciplinary action taken by a professional licensing board in a state other than Virginia, or by a federal health institution, federal agency, or the voluntary surrender of a license in a state other than Virginia while under investigation
Date: 2019
Entity Taking Action: Berkeley Area Medical Center
Action Taken: On 2/8 /19 my privileges for endoscopy were suspended indefinitely for substandard or inadequate skill level.
Date: 2019
Entity Taking Action: Re institution of my endoscopy privileges
Action Taken: My endoscopic privileges were fully re instituted on 12/6/2019 and since then not only I have performed multiple endoscopies but also I proctored a collegue of mine in endoscopies

Practitioner has had an action taken by healthcare institutions, other practitioners, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations or professional organizations that resulted in a suspension or revocation of privileges or the termination of employment
Date: 2019
Entity Taking Action: February 2019
Action Taken: Suspention of my endoscopic privileges by Berkeley Medical Center
Virginia Board of Medicine Notices and Orders
Verified by Board
Click Here to view Practitioner's Virginia Notices and Orders
Paid Claims in the last ten years
Last Updated 1/21/2024
The licensee has reported the following paid claims in the past ten years:

Specialty: Surgery
Location: Beckley, West Virginia, United states
Year: 2016
Amount of this claim is: Average
Practitioner Comments:
Emergent total colectomy that resulted in a injury of the left ureter that was diagnosed with some delay. That resulted in about one month of additional hospital stay of the patient. The ureter was repaired with no consequences for the patient renal function.

5831 Practitioners with same specialty
3.53% Practitioners with claims in this specialty

Specialty: Surgery
Location: Beckley, WV
Year: 2016
Amount of this claim is: Average
Practitioner Comments:
I inserted a pacemaker because asked by a cardiologist at the medical staff of Beckley ARH hospital. The Pacemaker got infected and had to be removed. I was never re-inserted. The patient sued for unnecessary procedure and won.

5831 Practitioners with same specialty
3.53% Practitioners with claims in this specialty

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Date Printed: 9/28/2024

Virginia Board of Medicine 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Henrico, VA 23233-1463