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David Archer, MD

LICENSE # 0101040574

Issue Date: 2/27/1987
Expiration Date: 3/31/2026
Status: Current Active

General InformationEducationCertifications & Practice AreaInsuranceHonors & AwardsAcademic Appointments & PublicationsProceedings, Actions & ConvictionsPaid Claims
Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

Academic Appointments
Last Updated 3/24/2024
Eastern Virginia Medical School Of The Medical College Of Hampton Roads - Norfolk VA
Rank: Full Professor
Years: 1986-PRESENT

Eastern Virginia Medical School Of The Medical College Of Hampton Roads - Norfolk VA
Rank: Full Professor
Years: 1987-present

Academic Appointments - Non-US
Last Updated 3/24/2024
None Reported
(up to ten in the last five years)
Last Updated 3/24/2024
Study 3353 Investigators Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and hepatic safety of desvenlafaxine for 1 year in women with vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause.
Volume: 20:47
Date: 01 2013

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the lowest effective dose of drospirenone with 17â-estradiol for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women
ePub ahead of print
Date: 08 2013

TSPY4 is a novel sperm-specific biomarker of semen exposure in human cervicovaginal fluids; potential use in HIVprevention and contraception studies
Volume: 88:387
Date: 09 2013

An expert review and commentary on the efficacy and safety of
Expert Review in obstetrics and Gynecology
Volume: 8:495
Date: 10 2013

Gestodene: A review of its pharmacology, potency and tolerability in combined contraceptive preparations.
ePub ahead of print.
Date: 12 2013

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the lowest effective dose of drospirenone with 17â-estradiol for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women.
Volume: 24:227
Date: 01 2014

Differential effects of menopausal therapies on the endometrium
ePub ahead of print
Date: 01 2014

Pharmacokinetics of subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injected in the upper arm
Volume: 89:31
Date: 01 2014

Vaginal cytokines do not differ between postmenopausal women with and without symptoms of vulvovaginal irritation.
ePub ahead of print
Date: 01 2014

Low-dose levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol patch and pill: a randomized controlled trial.
Obstetrics and Gyneoclogy
Volume: 123:295
Date: 02 2014