Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been
verified by the Board of Medicine.
Actions Taken by States/Organizations Other than the Virginia Board of Medicine
Last Updated 8/10/2024
Practitioner has had a disciplinary action taken by a professional licensing board in a state other than Virginia, or by a federal health institution, federal agency, or the voluntary surrender of a license in a state other than Virginia while under investigation
Entity Taking Action:
DC Board of Medicine
Action Taken:
Mirrored action taken by Va Board of medicine..Restricted from treating chronic pain patients of 90 day duration or more, 6 months probation.
Practitioner has had an action taken by healthcare institutions, other practitioners, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations or professional organizations that resulted in a suspension or revocation of privileges or the termination of employment
Entity Taking Action:
All insurance companies revoked participation and Reston hospital upon suspension
Action Taken: