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Jodanne Woodbeck Hedrick, DO

LICENSE # 0102207930
Issue Date: 5/24/2023
Expiration Date: 7/31/2026
Status: Current Active

General InformationEducationCertifications & Practice AreaInsuranceHonors & AwardsAcademic Appointments & PublicationsProceedings, Actions & ConvictionsPaid Claims
Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been self-reported and has not been verified by the Board of Medicine.

Primary Practice Address
Last Updated 6/19/2024
CHI Lakeside Women's Health
16909 Lakeside Hills Suite 401
Omaha, NE 68103
Phone: 402-758-5870

Location Details

  • Practitioner spends 50% of time at this location.
  • Days that practitioner sees patients at this location:
  • Translation services are available.
    Type(s) of Translation Services Available:
    Hearing impaired
    Non-English language(s) spoken

Additional Practice Address
Last Updated 6/19/2024
Creighton University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

7500 Mercy Road
Omaha, Nebraska 68124
Phone: 402-280-2905

Location Details

  • Practitioner spends 20% of time at this location.
  • Days that practitioner sees patients at this location:

Years in Active Clinical Practice
Last Updated 6/19/2024
Years in Active Clinical Practice Inside US/Canada: 23
Last Updated 6/19/2024
Does Not Participate in the Virginia Medicaid program
Is not accepting new Virginia Medicaid patients
Last Updated 6/19/2024
Is a Medicare participating provider
Is accepting new Medicare patients
Virginia Hospital Affiliations
Last Updated 6/19/2024
None Reported
Hospital Affiliations in States Other Than Virginia
Last Updated 6/19/2024
(Omaha,NE) Bergan Mercy Medical Center
(Omaha,NE) Lakeside Hospital